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What should you know about massage and when to avoid it?

Massage is a targeted form of touch that positively affects both the body and the soul, serving as a means for prevention, regeneration, and treatment. We often seek out massages when we need a moment to relax. Regular, rhythmic movements calm us down, releasing tension and stress from our muscles. Overall relaxation brings about deepened breathing, more oxygen to our cells, and consequently, more energy. There are many paths that lead to the same goal, many types of massages we may encounter. Everyone should try and find the one that suits them best…


How Does Massage Actually Affect Our Bodies?

  • On the skin and subcutaneous tissue – circulation improves, nourishment to skin cells increases, making the skin more elastic and firmer. Dead cells are removed, impurities are flushed away, allowing the skin to breathe better.
  • During massage, vascular and lymphatic circulation is promoted – tissue metabolism improves, waste products are flushed out, secretions are absorbed. Stimulation of the lymphatic system strengthens the body’s defenses.
  • On muscles and joints – excess and waste substances that can cause pain and fatigue are better absorbed. Muscles can be relaxed (after heavy physical exertion or sports performance), or they can be prepared for stress with suitable techniques, reducing the risk of possible damage. Massage relaxes joint structures and improves mobility.
  • On the nervous system – gentle and slow massage calms, while intensive and rapid massage stimulates.
  • On the autonomic system, which controls the activity of internal organs. Soothing massage can also relieve headaches or digestive problems as a result of excessive mental and nervous stress.
  • On the immune system – the relaxing effect of massage calms the body and soul and helps gain new strength…


How to prepare for a massage?

It’s not advisable to have a massage on a full stomach, so don’t eat at least an hour before.


What to do during the massage?

During a massage, it’s recommended to fully relax and let yourself be carried away by the feeling of relaxation. Release your muscles and thoughts, leave all worries aside. It’s important to trust the massage therapist and allow them to work with your body. f something bothers you or hurts during the massage, don’t hesitate to tell the therapist so they can adjust the pressure or massage technique to your needs.


And what after the massage?

It’s important to replenish fluids, preferably with clean water, to better flush toxins out of the body. f you feel tired after the massage, take a rest for the remainder of the day and give your body some time to recover. To allow the effective substances from the oils used in the massage to be fully absorbed into the body, it’s not recommended to shower for at least 12 hours after the massage.


When should you definitely avoid a massage?

Generally, massages are not recommended after excessive physical exertion, overall exhaustion, feverish and infectious diseases, or cancerous conditions. Massage should not be performed on varicose veins, fungal skin diseases, or skin injuries. During menstruation or postpartum, the abdomen should not be massaged, and some types of massages are not suitable during pregnancy.


You can find more information about massages here:
Benefits of massage therapy – Mayo Clinic Health System


Author of the article: Rika Padeleon, Certified Therapist


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