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Royal Thai Herbal Massage

Discover the secrets of royal thai herbal massage hidden in cotton pouches

If you are feeling exhausted, in pain and lacking energy, but are looking for a gentle and relaxing massage without intense muscle kneading, the Royal Massage is the ideal choice for you. This massage is not aimed at deep physical exercise of muscles and sore spots. Instead, it focuses on harnessing the healing properties of essential oils to help release tension and promote regeneration.

Royal thai herbal massage brings relief through gentle but effective techniques that soothe and revitalize. The essential oils from the cotton herb sacks used during the massage penetrate deep into the skin where their healing effects help relieve stress. This therapy is designed to provide maximum relaxation and promote overall well-being without being too invasive.


How the royal thai herbal massage is performed

This massage combines traditional Thai massage techniques with the use of hot herbal compresses. This technique is known for its healing effects that help relieve chronic ailments, unclog pores and bring healing warmth to sore muscles.

Preparation of herbal pouches

In our Eden’s Garden salon we use pre-prepared herbal pouches containing a mixture of dried Thai herbs for hygienic reasons. These are the same ingredients that are described below for the homemade recipe.

Steaming herbal pouches

Before the massage, the herbal pouches are steamed in a steamer for 15-20 minutes. Steaming allows the healing properties of the herbs and aromas to be released to aid in relaxation and healing. After steaming, the bags are hot, but their temperature is checked before application to the skin.

Course of the massage

  • Preparation: the client is placed comfortably on the massage couch and prepares for the treatment. The masseuse will check the temperature of the herbal pouches to ensure they are at a comfortable temperature.
  • Application of herbal pouches: the masseuse gently applies hot herbal pouches to the client’s skin. This combines heat, pressure and the healing properties of herbs to relieve muscle tension and improve circulation.
  • Traditional Massage Techniques:The masseuse uses traditional Thai massage techniques that include pressure points, stretching and soft tissue manipulation. During the massage, the oils and active substances from the herbs are absorbed into the skin and bring immediate relief.
  • Aromatherapy: during the massage, the pleasant scent of herbs is released, which helps to unblock accumulated energy, relieve stress and induce a feeling of relaxation.
  • Conclusion of the massage: after the massage the client feels relaxed and revitalized. Herbal poultices can be used repeatedly until they lose their effects.

Our therapists at Eden’s Garden use a special blend of herbs and therapeutic touch to ensure that each massage is tailored to the individual needs of the client and delivers maximum effect.

royal thai herbal massage is the ideal choice for those looking for a natural way to relieve pain, release tension and improve overall well-being.


Benefits of herbal mixtures and aromatherapy

Herbal blends and aromatherapy with essential oils have a strong positive effect on the skin. The herbs in the blends are known for their antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. When applied to the skin, these herbs not only soothe and restore the skin surface, but also promote cell renewal and improve the overall appearance of the skin. When applied to the skin, these herbs not only soothe and restore the skin surface, but also promote cell renewal and improve the overall appearance of the skin.

Consultation on the strength and intensity of the massage

Consult our therapists for the strength and intensity of the massage. To achieve the desired result and meet your expectations. Our therapists have years of experience and can focus on the specific points that are bothering you. Each of our massages is based on best practices that we modify based on feedback from our customers.

Important Information for Your Comfort

As the herbal pouches are heated to a certain temperature before the massage, it is important that clients are informed about this process. Pouches can be hot, but should never cause discomfort to the client. If you are sensitive to temperature or concerned about hot scrotums, you can check the temperature of the scrotum before starting the massage.

Always alert the therapist if you feel uncomfortable or have any concerns. At Eden’s Garden, your comfort is our priority and we are ready to adjust the temperature of the pouches to your individual needs. Our therapists are trained to ensure that the temperature of the scrotum is always at a comfortable level and that the royal thai herbal massage brings maximum relaxation and therapeutic effects.


Homemade recipe for preparing a real Thai herbal tile from fresh ingredients.


  • 500 g fresh yellow ginger (plai)
  • 100 g fresh turmeric
  • 100 g white turmeric
  • 200 g lemon grass
  • 100 g kaffir lime (peel or leaves)
  • 100 g galangal
  • 60 g salt
  • 30 g borneol
  • 30 g of camphor


  1. Preparation of the herbs: chop all the ingredients and crush lightly, preferably in a mortar.
  2. Filling the bag: pour the herb mixture in the middle of a 30 x 30 cm cotton cloth.
  3. To tie: Fold the corners of the fabric together and tie tightly with thread or elastic.
  4. Warm up: heat the pouch in a steamer for 15-20 minutes until it starts to give off a fragrance.
  5. Use: Check the temperature before use so that the bag is not too hot. Then gently apply it to the skin and massage the affected areas.

This herbal poultice is ideal for relieving muscle tension, improving circulation and promoting overall relaxation. And who knows, you might even have some fun in the process! For more information, you can visit Lion Brand.

Massage prices

60 min
1299 Kč
90 min
1899 Kč
120 min
2250 Kč

Massage prices for two

60 min
2598 Kč


  • Hydrate well and drink plenty of water.
  • Disposable underwear can be requested at reception.
  • Ladies are advised to remove their bra for comfort.
  • Before starting the massage, lie down on the massage table and wait for the masseuse.
  • During the massage, relax and breathe deeply.
  • If anything makes you uncomfortable, inform the masseuse.
  • After the massage, gradually stand up and get used to the relaxation of your body.

Our tips

  • Use disposable underwear for your comfort.
  • Avoid heavy food before the massage.
  • You can adjust the strength of the massage together with the masseuse according to your preferences during the massage.
  • Recommended repetition 1x per week.

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